The Cost-Effectiveness of Life for a Child – A Deep Dive into DALY Estimates and the 2025 Funding Gap

Life for a Child is an international non-profit organization that supports children with diabetes by providing insulin, test strips, and essential diabetes care to over 60,000 children in low-income countries who would otherwise have little to no access to treatment.

Without access to supplies and skilled medical care, children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) often die quickly, and with only intermittent access may die within a few years of diagnosis. In some countries,  limited amounts and types of older insulins may be provided by the health systems. In these ‘luckier’ countries, test strips are still not usually provided. Without regular blood glucose testing, children may survive into early adulthood, yet still experience early mortality due to long-term complications such as blindness, kidney failure, or amputations.

Life for a Child (LFAC) offers a lifeline, extending life expectancy and improving the quality of life for children at a remarkably low cost. Life for a Child also does incredibly critical work in improving care delivery infrastructures in each of these countries that they support. They work directly with local healthcare providers to co-develop critical education materials for young people living with diabetes. Further, they provide a support network to local healthcare providers and some governments. This is all to help improve sustainability of access to services, medications, and support for people with diabetes in the long run.

Scott and I have been supporting Life for a Child as our charity of choice for many years. As we wrote in our analysis here in 2017:

“Life for a Child seems like a fairly effective charity, spending about $200-$300/yr for each person they serve (thanks in part to in-kind donations from pharmaceutical firms). If we assume that providing insulin and other diabetes supplies to one individual (and hopefully keeping them alive) for 40 years is approximately the equivalent of preventing a death from malaria, that would mean that Life for a Child might be about half as effective as AMF, which is quite good compared to the far lower effectiveness of most charities, especially those that work in first world countries.”

We used some of GiveWell’s analyses to assess effective giving, especially comparing options like GiveDirectly or more specific charity options like AMF:

​For example, the Against Malaria Foundation, the recommended charity with the most transparent and straightforward impact on people’s lives, can buy and distribute an insecticide-treated bed net for about $5.  Distributing about 600-1000 such nets results in one child living who otherwise would have died, and prevents dozens of cases of malaria.  As such, donating 10% of a typical American household’s income to AMF will save the lives of 1-2 African kids *every year*.”

(Note: In addition to donations, I also have supported Life for a  Child with my time at both the US level, serving on the US-based Life for a Child US board, as well as the US representative on the international steering committee for Life for a Child.)

However, in 2025, Life for a Child faces an immediate and unexpected $300,000 funding shortfall, due to a previously committed donor no longer being able to provide this donation. This funding was for test strips, which will reduce the number of strips provided per child from three to two test strips per day.

Further, Life for a Child has additional funding needs to continue expanding to support more children who are otherwise unsupported and going without critical supplies. (The room for funding is several orders of magnitude above this year’s funding gap.)

In order to assess the need for how we (in a general sense, speaking of all of us) fill this funding gap and understanding if this is still a cost-effective way to support people with diabetes, we wanted to revisit our analysis for how cost-effective Life For a Child is.

For background, I asked Graham Ogle, head of LFAC, for some numbers. These include:

  • Life for A Child currently supports 60,000 children in 2025
  • The original expansion plan is a goal to support 100,000 children or more by 2030
  • Estimates for how much is spent per child is about $150 USD (slightly less than what Scott and I had estimated in 2017), or $160 USD if you incorporate indirect costs.

We used these numbers below to estimate the cost-effectiveness of Life for a Child’s interventions.

Estimating Life For A Child’s Cost per Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY)

The Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY) is the most commonly used metric in global health to capture both the years of life lost (YLL) due to premature death and the years lived with disability (YLD) due to a health condition, such as type 1 diabetes.

The goal of Life for a Child’s work is to reduce both of these by providing insulin and glucose monitoring as well as improved care necessary for improved health outcomes.

  1. Life for a Child support reduces Years of Life Lost (YLL) 

To estimate YLL reduction, we calculate the difference between the expected age at death for a child with T1D who receives no care versus a child receiving LFAC support:

  • Without Life for a Child :
    • In the worst-case scenario, children with T1D may die within 1-2 years due to lack of insulin, meaning an early death by age 10 instead of the typical life expectancy of 60 years in some of these countries. . This results in 50 YLLs (60 – 10 = 50).
    • In countries where insulin is available but costly and/or glucose monitoring is not affordable and readily available, children may survive into their late 20s or 30s, but still experience significant complications, reducing life expectancy. In this scenario (minimal access to insulin, glucose monitoring, etc), we make a rough assumption that children with diabetes may survive into their mid to late 30s, therefore 25 YLLs is a reasonable estimate (60 – 35 = 25).
  • With Life for a Child :
    • Life for a Child’s program significantly improves both short-term and long-term survival. We assume that children supported by Life for a Child have the potential to live to an average life expectancy of 50-60 years (instead of dying prematurely due to untreated T1D), even when considering that LFAC only supports children into early adulthood (e.g. 25-30 years of age).

If we assume the average life expectancy for children newly diagnosed with T1D increases from 15-35 years to 50-60 years with standard Life for a Child support, that gives a savings of 25-35 YLLs (DALYs) per child, accounting for most of the uncertainty in our lifespan estimates above.

  1. Years Lived with Disability (YLD) Reduction

T1D also causes significant disability when people with T1D don’t have access to insulin and/or sufficient glucose monitoring and monitoring for early signs of complications, especially due to complications like blindness, kidney failure, and amputations. Each of these conditions brings about substantial life impairment.

  • Without Life for a Child:
    • Children with poorly supported T1D face a high likelihood of severe complications as they age. We estimate the disability weight (DW) for this scenario at 0.20, reflecting significant disability as a result of some of those complications.
  • With Life for a Child:
    • Access to insulin and glucose monitoring and healthcare monitoring drastically reduces the risk of complications. We estimate a DW of 0.05, which represents a much lower level of disability, especially in terms of future complications.

With such DWs, the reduction in YLD before premature death (20%-5%=15% over 5-30 years = 1-4 DALYs), and the 5% reduction in the YLL benefit (5% * 25-35 = 1-2 DALYs) partially cancel out, and don’t change the end result much. The net gain of 1-2 DALYs due to YLD reduction is smaller than the uncertainty range on the YLL benefit.

So for purposes of cost-effectiveness calculations, we’ll ignore YLD in the rest of this post and continue using the 25-35 DALYs per child figure.

  1. Total DALYs and Cost per DALY

For this section, we’ll assume the total impact of Life for a Child’s intervention per child from the calculations above is 25-35 DALYs.

Life for a Child’s cost per child in 2025 is approximately $150 per year (or $160 including indirect costs), and if we estimate that most children receive treatment for about 15 years, meaning the total cost per child is roughly $1,500–$2,250 over that period (or $1,600-$2,400 total with indirect costs).

Thus, the cost per DALY for Life for a Child can be estimated as:

(Cost per child) / (DALYs saved per child)

Here are a variety of estimates for varying cost levels using the lower bound of 25 DALYs saved per child supported:

  • With $1,500 per lifetime per child ($150/year for 10 years) and 25 DALYs saved, that estimates $60 per DALY ($64 with indirect costs)
  • With $2,250 per lifetime per child ($150/year for 15 years) and 25 DALYs saved, that estimates $90 per DALY ($96 with indirect costs)
  • With slightly higher costs to assume the cost will rise over time of $175/year for 15 years, this is a higher estimated $2,625 per lifetime per child and 25 DALYs saved, estimating $105 per DALY.
  • With slightly higher costs to assume the cost will rise over time of $175/year for 20 years, this is a higher estimated $3,500 per lifetime per child and 25 DALYs saved, estimating $140 per DALY.

This places Life for a Child’s cost per DALY in the range of $60–$90, for conservative estimates a remarkably cost-effective intervention, and even the higher estimates of $105-$140 assuming an increase in costs and increase in years of support compares favorably to the most effective global health programs, including those recommended by GiveWell.

How did we come to this conclusion?

  • GiveWell estimates cash transfers through GiveDirectly result in $1000/DALY, based on welfare gains rather than direct health outcomes (so apples and oranges), but even apples to oranges we can estimate Life for a Child is more cost-effective by at least single digit (eg 1-9x) factors than cash giving elsewhere.
  • We know GiveWell’s top charities are around $50-$100/DALY. Given we were estimating $60-$140 with a wide swathe of estimates, we can see that Life for a Child aligns with some of GiveWell’s top charities in terms of cost per DALY and thus “compares favorably” in our analysis. 

Why You Should Donate to Life for a Child

The point of this post was for Scott and I to reassess our statement that we have been making since ~2017 or so, which is the fact that Life for a Child is a remarkably cost-effective charity overall, and likely one of the most cost-effective charities to support people living with diabetes around the world who otherwise won’t have access (or regular access) to insulin and blood glucose testing.

Life for a Child has a DALY cost in the range of $60-$140 (reflecting current versus future cost increases), depending on which input variables you use, which makes it one of the best uses of global health funding available today.

Because of this reassessment, we also hope if you’ve read this far that you, too, will consider making a life-saving and life-changing donation for people with diabetes by donating to Life for a Child.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with world events and want to make a tangible difference in people’s lives in a measurable way, consider donating to Life for a Child.

If you want to support people with diabetes in the most cost-effective way, so that your donation dollars make the biggest impact? Donate to Life for a Child.

Your donation saves – and changes – lives.

Life for a Child is a cost-effective charity supporting people with diabetes that needs your help. A blog post from Dana M. Lewis at you).

PS – feel free to reach out to me ( and/or Scott ( if you want to chat through any of the estimates or numbers in more detail and how we consider donations.

Power outage, winter heat, battery, and other tools and solutions

We recently had a multi-day power outage. Ugh. It luckily wasn’t so cold we needed to go find a hotel to stay in (or stay overnight with family elsewhere), but it was chilly, inconvenient, and annoying. We have done a lot of preparation for power outages, though, because we often get a handful a year during really windy storms around here. We found ourselves pleasantly surprised with the utility of a couple of things and wanted to share with other folks. Most of these serve two purposes, but work really well in a power outage situation. I’ll describe what we got them for originally and how we use them in a power outage. (PS – we bought all of these on Amazon, and I’m sharing these links as Amazon affiliate links).

Sure, your phone has a flashlight, but if you’re spending hours without power, it makes a surprising psychological difference to have at least a little light in the room(s) you’re spending time in.

Our first go-to is the fact that our bigger batteries (more details on them below) have decent lights that can be turned on. Point it toward a wall or set it upright and point to the ceiling, and you have enough light to see the room by. And your brain is going to be less stressed. Win.

The other lights we have had for years are high powered, rechargeable LED waist or head lamps. I *love* these, which I got for ultrarunning. The ones we got come in a pack of two, and what I do is deconstruct them and link the two bands together, essentially making one band that has both lights and backlights on them. I point one toward the front, and one to the back. The battery pack and red light part that usually goes on the back is facing the sides. These are really bright, and good enough to wear around my waist when running or walking in the dark, and I don’t use a headlamp with them. So that’s why we had them, and they’re usually the second light source we go to in a power outage. Scott will wear one as a waist lamp or pendant lamp as he moves around. The other thing we realized this time is that you can hang it over a standing lamp and the light reflects off the wall really well (and at height), which is a nice complement to any other lower light sources you have.

Some of our small battery power banks we use for charging phones or little electronic devices have lights, too, that are more similar to your phone’s flashlight. I wouldn’t buy these for the sake of these lights, but it’s handy to know if any of your power banks have lights so you can use them in a power outage, too.

The last set of lights I’ll mention are new in our collection this year. We got them for our pantry, which doesn’t have lights. These are motion sensor lights that trigger when we open our pantry door and stand there looking in the pantry. They flip off after a few seconds in auto mode. They are rechargeable, but we found that they lasted for months on auto without needing recharging. Once we hit the power outage, Scott pulled one out of the pantry and realized it magnetically attaches to the light fixture in our bathroom. There’s four brightness settings, and you can also switch it to stay on. So if you are in the bathroom and using that room, you can switch it to “on” and it’s a great light source, then switch it back off (to motion sensor mode) when you’re done in there. We thought they were so useful that we went ahead and ordered a second set to use in the house and leverage for a future power outage.


We were lucky this time that it was only 40-50F for most of our power outage. That being said, we did get chilly and it got chillier every day. I tend to run cold anyway and use a heating pad at the foot of my bed normally, so without that…brrrr. We’ve gotten all of these things over the years to make hiking and walking and skiing in the cold and wet more comfy, so like the lights these all have primary uses beyond power outages, but they doubled up nicely to serve us during the outage, too.

(By the way, heating pads have changed since we were kids. I resisted getting another or a new heating pad for about a year. Because the heating pad I had was ~10-15 years old and one of those old style plasticky ones with a blue scratchy fabric cover over it. I hated the plastic. Then I finally looked online and was shocked that they come in different colors – I could get purple! – and sizes and they aren’t plastic anymore. Woohoo! So, I now own multiple heating pads in different colors and sizes. Mentioning that in case anyone else has a historical heating pad and doesn’t know there are better options now! The one I got isn’t listed anymore, but this one looks similar, other than color choice (which might be under a different listing).)

A heated vest is one of the things Scott used the most. We originally chose this one (there are a ton of options from different brands and different styles) because we wanted one that could heat the back as well as the front. This one you can turn on each of those independently, and there are also three different levels of heat. If you’re chilly but don’t want to be bundled up inside in a coat with sleeves, this is a great choice. (I wear it a lot on wet days for outside activities, putting it on under a rain jacket).

The other thing we use a lot and used in the outage to stay warm is fingerless heated gloves. We have big, full finger heated gloves, too, but those are more like bulky ski gloves and don’t work well for me (because I have especially small hands). In fact, we have two sets of full finger heated gloves, because last year we bought a small pair for me to use for cross country skiing…and they were way too big for me. Scott adopted that pair, and we found another pair that was a smidgen smaller. They’re still bulky and make it hard to do anything, but when hiking or skiing in the rain, they’re perfect. Otherwise, when on walks where I want to use my phone or at home in power outages, I like the new fingerless heated gloves we got. Again, if you have small hands like I do, measure your hand and check the measurements on heated gloves (fingerless or full finger) when you order, most of the “small” to “small/medium” or “one size fits all” are huge on me. The ones I got are a little big through the palm and wide on the fingers, but because they’re fingerless, they’re still functional. I’ve actually surprised myself with how often I’ve been wearing them on slightly wet days when heading out for a walk and are on the list of “I can’t believe it took me so long to discover/figure out I should buy these”, just like the modern era heating pads. If you get cold at work and your hands get really cold, these are the kind I would look for. But I also highly recommend them for outdoor activities, too.

Food prep and heating

Speaking of heat, let’s talk food. After multiple days, even if you have available ready to eat food, it gets old. We bought a 12 volt DC hot plate in a zipper bag (check the picture if that description doesn’t make sense) to use on long car trips and for after big hikes and ultramarathons, when I wanted to be able to eat and refuel on a long drive home. It works awesome in the car for things like a frozen dinner or a shallow tupperware container of stew or chili (check the size of your tupperware to make sure it fits; shallow square ones work best in the one I got); but also warming up savory biscuits or sandwiches or scones or leftover pizza. Pretty versatile, and easy to clean even when using between a gluten eater (Scott) and someone with celiac. This is also one of our go-to’s for if we have an extended power outage and want hot food if there’s nothing in the area and we don’t want to or can’t drive to an area with power. Ready to eat canned soup or stew into a tupperware into the hot plate container, and like light in the room…it’s just going to make everything else feel a little less stressful than it would be otherwise.

Battery and batteries and batteries galore

We have two large (250Wh+) power stations, and lots of smaller (5-30Ah / 20-100Wh) power banks. One of the power stations has a working AC inverter, allowing us to power a heating pad for a few hours, recharge the more portable power banks, or keep all of our electronics powered/charging all night. The other used to have an AC inverter, but its cooling fan sounded like a helicopter, so we weren’t too sad when its AC outlet broke. Now we just use its built-in light, its 12V DC auto outlet (e.g. for the hot plate), its USB ports for charging electronics, lights, or smaller power banks, and/or its 12V DC barrel plug outlet to charge the power station whose inverter still works.

The smaller “phone charger” power banks are pretty much interchangeable with the ones you probably already have. Some of them (like the Anker one) support wireless phone charging, and serve nicely as a plugged-in wireless charger until you want to unplug them and take them with you. A couple of the larger ones (like this one, which we recently got) support USB-C PD at high enough wattage to keep my laptop’s battery from draining while I use it, or even (slowly) charge it.

Keeping batteries topped off is a bit of a chore during a long outage. What we found works best with two power stations is:

  • Keep a 12VDC to AC inverter in the car, and use it to recharge one of the large power stations at a time (via its AC to 15VDC adapter), and any smaller power banks that you’ve used up (via USB). (You probably don’t want to try to plug in multiple 15VDC adapters at once, or you risk blowing your car’s 12VDC fuse/breaker.)
  • Keep the other power station in the house for AC needs, to keep other electronics, lights, and small power banks topped off. When its battery gets low, swap the two power stations.

If you live in a sunnier climate, these kinds of power stations can be recharged via solar panels, but for a Western Washington November windstorm, we didn’t even bother getting our solar panel out of our camping bag. If you plan to use PV, you might want to buy an integrated kit to ensure optimal compatibility between the PV panel and the power station’s charge controller.

Outside of a power outage situation, Scott mostly uses these power stations as range extenders for his e-bike. He has two e-bike batteries, so can take both of those and a power station in the saddle-bags and charge one battery off the power station while using the other one. On a long ride without too much pedal assist, he can fully drain a power station to get an extra ~15mi of range.

Ice and keeping things cold (and safe)

While we are talking about power outages, we’ll share some of what we found works for us in terms of managing our fridge and freezer, too. This is less on the “here’s things you can buy” list and more “here’s information your brain can consider in the future” if you have an extended power outage.

Before the power goes out, we make sure we have lots of frozen ice packs (and/or ice) scattered around your freezer.

When the power goes out:

  • Eat ice cream until you’re full. The ice cream will be a lot tastier before it melts.
  • Take a hot shower: the hot water won’t stay hot for more than a few hours.
  • Put a few of the ice packs in the fridge to keep it cold.
  • Leave the fridge door mostly shut. You can quickly grab things out as needed: just don’t stand there with it open deciding what you want to eat. The objective is to keep the temperature from rising too much at once, as it takes a lot longer than normal to cool back down just from ice packs.
  • When you’re tired of ice cream and get hungry, eat leftovers, etc. out of the fridge (cold, or heated up on the 12VDC hot plate).

If the power is still going to be out by the time your ice packs melt:

  • Drive to a nearby area that still has power, and buy a few bags of ice from a convenience store, Walmart, etc.
  • Pour the bagged ice out into gallon ziploc bags: the bags it comes in will leak when it starts to melt.
  • Put at least two gallons of ice in the fridge and two gallons in the freezer.

When the power comes back on:

  • Check that you still have un-melted ice in both the fridge and freezer. If not, your remaining food may not be safe. (40F is when bacteria can start to grow, which is why if you’re in doubt, you should toss it out. But if you keep frozen packs frozen… you may not have to toss everything out.)

Electric vehicles as a power assist

We have an EV (a used 2018 Tesla Model 3), and it worked quite well. It can’t power the whole house like an F150 Lightning or a Cybertruck, but with a 12V to AC inverter, can recharge power banks of all sizes, without having to worry about running the battery down or idling the engine to avoid it. The battery lasts for weeks if we don’t drive it, or longer if we leave Sentry off. If we go anywhere, we can charge at our destination or Supercharge on the way. And even with 500k people without power, the nearest powered Supercharger was only a 10m drive from here.

What we wished we had (and didn’t, yet)

The main thing we were missing was having fast enough Internet. We had cell service, so we could hotspot with our phones, but during the day when everyone’s doing that it’s unusably slow for working from the laptop. Zoom still worked via phone, but in order to get any “real work” done, we wanted “real” Internet. This time around, we got that (and hot showers) by driving up to Scott’s parents’ house, where they never lost power. But to be ready for next time, and for back country hikes and long road trips, we ordered a Starlink Mini. It’s a bit pricier than a regular Starlink dish, but is only about the size of a laptop, works off a power bank, and can be easily used in the car. We got the $50/mo 50GB plan, which we can pause and reactivate at any time, paying $50 only for the months we want to use it. We’ll likely post an update later once we use it a bit. (If you want a Starlink referral code for either a regular Starlink or a Starlink mini, this referral code gives you one month of free service.)


TLDR: it’s nice when you have things that can pull double duty in regular life and in power outages. Our list includes a lot of lights; a lot of heating options; batteries galore; and strategies for keeping our food cold or hot as desired.

If you have any favorite double duty tools or solutions we should get, that you love for power outages and other use cases, please comment and describe them so we – and everyone else – can check them out!

Multi-day power outage: batteries, power sources, heating, and other things that worked well

A Slackbot for using Slack to access and use a chat-based LLM in public

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to help my family, friends, and colleagues use LLMs to power their work. (As I’ve written about here, and more recently here with lots of tips on prompting and effectively using LLMs for different kinds of projects). 

Scott has been on the same page, especially thinking about how to help colleagues use LLMs effectively, but taking a slightly different approach: he built a Slackbot (a bot for Slack) which uses GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to answer questions. This uses the API of GPT but presents it to the user in Slack instead of having to use ChatGPT as the chat interface. So, it’s a LLM chatbot, different than ChatGPT (because it’s a different chat interface), but uses the same AI (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 from OpenAI). You could implement the same idea (a chat-based bot in Slack) using different AIs/LLMs, of course.

Using a slack-based bot for an LLM achieves a couple of things:

  1. More people can try GPT-4 and compare it to GPT-3.5 to get a taste for prompting and responses, without having to pay $20/month for a ChatGPT Pro account to get access to GPT-4.
  2. If you spend a lot of time in Slack for work, you don’t have to switch windows to access GPT.
  3. If your employer doesn’t want you to use the ChatGPT consumer product for work due to security concerns, but is more comfortable with OpenAI’s confidentiality guarantees for their API, a Slack bot interface provides a more secure alternative.
  4. You can see “in public” how other people in your Slack workspace are using it, and learn from their prompts and interactions new tricks and ideas (in addition to reading my long post here with lots of tips and suggestions).
  5. You can privately (in DM by yourself) talk to the bot and ask it your “dumb” questions (which aren’t dumb), and you can reason through things at your own speed or learn how to do things that you haven’t done before, and do so in private just like if you had your own ChatGPT account. It doesn’t burn social capital or take other people’s time, which you can save for more nuanced questions.

Scott has implemented it for work, but also came up with another fun use for it: we created a family-focused Slack channel for kids in our lives (we have ten (!) nieces and nephews – you can see how I used GPT to help with special custom books for some of them recently) so their parents and they can access GPT in a safe environment, too. ChatGPT (and OpenAI’s GPT API) have some reasonable safeguards in it already to protect kids, but more usefully we want to be able to provide custom instructions to keep it always at a kid-focused level. Plus this way we can share the experience with them, too.

I asked the bot to summarize itself for a lay audience not familiar with the project, and this was the output:

### Summary of the SlackAskBot

The SlackAskBot is a smart assistant designed to operate within Slack, a popular communication platform used by teams for messaging and collaboration. Imagine having a helpful robot in your group chats or direct messages that can understand your questions and provide informative responses. That’s what the SlackAskBot does. It’s like adding a knowledgeable team member to your Slack workspace who is always ready to assist.

#### How It Works:

  1. **Integration with Slack:**

– The bot is integrated into Slack, meaning it can read messages in channels it’s added to or when directly messaged. It’s like inviting a friend into your group chat who can listen and respond to conversations.

  1. **Understanding Messages:**

– When you type a message that includes the bot (either by mentioning it with an @ symbol in a channel or by sending it a direct message), the bot pays attention. It’s designed to understand that you’re talking to it and that you’re expecting some form of response.

  1. **Processing Your Requests:**

– Once the bot receives a message, it doesn’t just look at the latest message you’ve sent. It considers the context by looking at the conversation history. This way, it can provide responses that make sense within the ongoing discussion. It’s akin to a human joining a conversation, where understanding the previous discussion points is crucial for making relevant comments.

  1. **Generating Responses:**

– The bot uses a powerful language model (think of it as a very advanced AI that understands and generates human-like text) to come up with responses to your messages. It’s as if the bot thinks about what you’ve asked and then crafts a reply that aims to be helpful and informative.

  1. **Interacting Back:**

– After thinking through your message and generating a response, the bot then sends this response back into the Slack channel or direct message. You’ll see its reply just like you would from any other team member, providing the information or assistance you requested.

  1. **Special Features:**

– The bot is designed with specific settings for different channels or direct messages. This means it can tailor its responses based on where it’s talking. For example, it might respond differently in a casual chat compared to a more formal project discussion channel.

  1. **Respecting Privacy and Permissions:**

– The bot is programmed to respect Slack’s rules and the privacy of your conversations. It only listens and responds to messages where it’s explicitly mentioned or directly messaged, ensuring that it doesn’t intrude on private discussions.

#### In Summary:

The SlackAskBot acts as a virtual assistant within your Slack workspace, ready to provide information and answers to your questions. It’s designed to understand the context of conversations, generate helpful responses, and interact with users in a way that enhances team communication and productivity. Whether you’re asking for quick facts, seeking advice on a project, or just interacting for fun, the SlackAskBot is there to make your Slack experience more informative and engaging.

The SlackAskBot is open source – you can check out the code and instructions for how to implement it in your own Slack environment in the repository here.

We are using Slack as a chat interface for LLMs like GPT, making the user experience similar to ChatGPT

Presentations and poster content from @DanaMLewis at #2018ADA

DanaMLewis_ADA2018As I mentioned, I am honored to have two presentations and a co-authored poster being presented at #2018ADA. As per my usual, I plan to post all content and make it fully available online as the embargo lifts. There will be three sets of content:

  • Poster 79-LB in Category 12-A Detecting Insulin Sensitivity Changes for Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes using “Autosensitivity” from OpenAPS’ poster, co-authored by Dana Lewis, Tim Street, Scott Leibrand, and Sayali Phatak.
  • Content from my presentation Saturday, The Data behind DIY Diabetes—Opportunities for Collaboration and Ongoing Research’, which is part of the “The Diabetes Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Revolution” Symposium!
  • Content from my presentation Monday, Improvements in A1c and Time-in-Range in DIY Closed-Loop (OpenAPS) Users’, co-authored by Dana Lewis, Scott Swain, and Tom Donner.

First up: the autosensitivity poster!

Dana_Scott_ADA2018_autosens_posterYou can find the full write up and content of the autosensitivity poster in a post over on There’s also a twitter thread if you’d like to share this poster with others on Twitter or elsewhere.

Summary: we ran autosensitivity retrospectively on the command line to assess patterns of sensitivity changes for 16 individuals who had donated data in the OpenAPS Data Commons. Many had normal distributions of sensitivity, but we found a few people who trended sensitive or resistant, indicating underlying pump settings could likely benefit from a change.
2018 ADA poster on Autosensitivity from OpenAPS by DanaMLewis


The Data behind DIY Diabetes—Opportunities for Collaboration and Ongoing Research’

This presentation was a big deal to me, as it was flanked by 3 other excellent presentations on the topic of DIY and diabetes. Jason Wittmer gave a great overview and context setting of DIY diabetes, ranging from DIY remote monitoring and CGM tools all the way to DIY closed loops like OpenAPS. Jason is a dad who created OpenAPS rigs for his son with T1D. Lorenzo Sandini spoke about the clinician’s perspective for when patients come into the office with DIY tools. He knows it from both sides – he’s using OpenAPS rigs, and also has patients who use OpenAPS. And after my presentation, Joyce Lee also spoke about the overarching landscape of diabetes and the role DIY plays in this emerging technology space.

Why did I present as part of this group today? One of the roles I’ve taken on in the last few years in the OpenAPS community (among others) is a collaborator and facilitator of research with and about the community. I put together the first outcomes study (see here in JDST or here in a blog post form on in 2016. We presented a poster on Autotune last year at ADA (see here in a blog post form on I’ve also worked to create and manage the OpenAPS Data Commons, as well as build tools for researchers to use this data, so individuals can easily and anonymously donate their DIY closed loop data for other research projects, lowering the friction and barriers for both patients and researchers. And, I’ve co-led or led several research projects with the community’s data as a result.

My presentation was therefore about setting the stage with background on OpenAPS & how we ended up creating the OpenAPS Data Commons; presenting a selection of research projects that have utilized data from the community; highlighting other research projects working with the OpenAPS community; announcing a new international collaboration (OPEN – more coming on that in the future!) for research with the DIY community; and hopefully encouraging other diabetes researchers to think about sharing their work, data, methods, tools, and insights as openly possible to help us all move forward with improving the lives of people with diabetes.

That is, of course, quite an abbreviated summary! I’ve shared a thread on Twitter that goes into detail on each of the key points as part of the presentation, or there’s a version of this Twitter/presentation content also written below.

If you’re someone who wants to do research with retrospective data from the OpenAPS Data Commons, you can find out more about it here (including instructions on how to request data). And if you’re interested in prospective research, please do reach out as well!

Full content for those who don’t want to read Twitter:

Patients are often seen as passive recipients of care, but many of us PWDs have discovered that problems are opportunities to change things. My journey to DIY began after I was frustrated by my inability to hear CGM alarms at night. 4 years ago, there was no way for me to access my own device data in real time OR retrospectively. Thanks to John Costik for sharing his code, I was able to get my CGM data & send it to the cloud and down to my phone, creating a louder alarm. Scott and I created an algorithm to push notifications to me to take action. This was an ‘open loop’ system we called #DIYPS. With Ben West’s help, we realized could combine our algorithm with small, off-the-shelf hardware & a radio stick to automate insulin delivery. #OpenAPS was thus created, open sourcing all components of DIY closed loop system so others could close the loop, too. An #OpenAPS rig consists of a small computer, radio chip, & battery. The hardware is constantly evolving. Many of us also use Nightscout to visualize our closed loop data, and share with loved ones.

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I closed the loop in December of 2015. As people learned about it, I got pushback: “It works for you, but how do you know it’s going to work for others?” I didn’t, and I said so. But that didn’t mean I shouldn’t share what was working for me.

Once we had dozens of users of #OpenAPS, we presented a research study at #2016ADA, with 18 individuals sharing outcomes data on A1c, TIR, and QOL improvements. (See that publication here: ). I was often asked to share my data for people to analyze, but I’m not representative of entire #OpenAPS community. Plus, the community has kept growing: we estimate there are more than (n=1)*710+ (as of June 2018) people worldwide using different kinds of DIY APs. (Note: if you’d like to keep track of the growing #OpenAPS community, the count of loopers worldwide is updated periodically at ).  I began to work with Open Humans to build the #OpenAPS Data Commons, enabling individuals to anonymously upload their data and consent to share it with the Data Commons.

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Criteria for using the #OpenAPS Data Commons:

  • 1) share insights back with the community, especially if you find something about an individual’s data set where we should notify them
  • 2) publish in an accessible (and preferably open) manner

I’ve learned that not many are prepared to take advantage of the rich (and complex) data available from #OpenAPS users; and many researchers have varying background and skillsets.  To aid researchers, I created a series of open source tools (described here:, and tools available at ) to help researchers & patients working with data.

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We have a variety of research projects that have leveraged the anonymously donated, DIY closed loop data from the #OpenAPS Data Commons.

  • 2018ADA_Slide 112018ADA_Slide 12One research project, in collaboration with a Stanford team, evaluated published machine learning model predictions & #OpenAPS predictions. Some models (particularly linear regression) = accurate predictions in short term, but less so longer term when insulin peaks. This study is pending publication, but I’d like to note the challenge of more traditional research keeping pace with DIY innovation: the code (and data) studied was from January 2017. #OpenAPS prediction code has been updated 2x since then.
  • In response to the feedback from the #2016ADA #OpenAPS Outcomes study we presented, a follow up study on #OpenAPS outcomes was created in partnership with a team at Johns Hopkins. That study will be presented on Monday, 6-6:15pm (352-OR).
  • 2018ADA_Slide 13Many people share publicly online their outcomes with DIY closed loops. Sulka Haro has shared his script to evaluate the reduction in daily manual diabetes interventions after they began using #OpenAPS. Before: 4.5/day manual corrections; now they treat <1/day.
  • #OpenAPS features such as autosensitivity automatically detect sensitivity changes and insulin needs, improving outcomes. (See above at the top of this post for the full poster content).
  • If you missed it at #2017ADA (see here: , Autotune is a tool for assessing changes to basal rates, ISF, and carb ratio. Developed for #OpenAPS users but can also be used by traditional pumpers (and some MDI users also utilize it).

I’m also thrilled to share a new tool we’ve created: an #OpenAPS simulator to allow us to more easily back-test and compare settings changes & feature changes in #OpenAPS code.
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  • Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 4.48.06 PM2018ADA_Slide 16  We pulled a recent week of data for n=1 adult PWD who does no-bolus, rough carb entry meal announcements, and ran the simulator to predict what the outcomes would be for no-bolus and no meal-announcement.


  • 2018ADA_Slide 172018ADA_Slide 18 We also ran the simulator on n=1 teen PWD who does no-bolus and no-meal-announcement in real life. The simulator tracked closely to his actual outcomes (validated this week with a lab-A1c of 6.1)




The new #OpenAPS simulator will allow us to better test future algorithm changes and features across a diverse data set donated by DIY closed loop users.

There are many other studies & collaborations ongoing with the DIY community.

  • Michelle Litchman, Perry Gee, Lesly Kelly, and myself have a paper pending review analyzing social-media-reported outcomes & themes from DIY community.
  • 2018ADA_Slide 19There are also multiple other posters about DIY outcomes here at #2018ADA:
  • 2018ADA_Slide 20 There are many topics of interest in DIY community we’d like to see studies on, and have data for. These include: “eating soon” (optimal insulin dosing for lesser post-prandial spikes); and variability in sensitivity for various ages, pregnancy, and menstrual cycle.
  • 2018ADA_Slide 21I’m also thrilled to announce funding will be awarded to OPEN (a new collaboration on Outcomes of Patients’ Evidence, with Novel, DIY-AP tech), a 36-month international collaboration assessing outcomes, QOL, further development, access of real-world AP tech, etc. (More to come on this soon!)

In summary: we don’t have a choice in living with diabetes. We *do* have a choice to DIY, and also to research to learn more and improve knowledge and availability of tools for us PWDs, more quickly. We would love to partner and collaborate with anyone interested in working with the DIY community, whether that is utilizing the #OpenAPS Data Commons for retrospective studies or designing prospective studies. If you take away one thing today: let it be the request for us to all openly share our tools, data, and insights so we can all make life with type 1 diabetes better, faster.

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A huge thank you as always to the community: those who have donated and shared data; those who have helped develop, test, troubleshoot, and otherwise help power the #OpenAPS and other DIY diabetes communities.

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Improvements in A1c and Time-in-Range in DIY Closed-Loop (OpenAPS) Users

(full tweet thread available here; or a description of this presentation below)

#OpenAPS is an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective Artificial Pancreas System (APS) technology widely available to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes. #OpenAPS evolved from my first DIY closed loop system and our desire to openly share what we’ve learned living with DIY closed loops. It takes a small, off-the-shelf computer; a radio; and a battery to communicate with existing insulin pumps and CGMs. As a PWD, I care a lot about safety: the safety reference design is the first thing in #OpenAPS that was shared, in order to help set expectations around what a DIY closed loop can (and cannot) do.

ADA2018_Slide 23ADA2018_Slide 24As I shared about my own DIY experience, people questioned whether it would work for others, or just me. At #2016ADA, we presented an outcomes study with data from 18 of the first 40 DIY closed loop users. Feedback on that study included requests to evaluate CGM data, given concerns around accuracy of self-reported outcomes.

This 2018 #OpenAPS outcomes study was the result. We performed a retrospective cross-over analysis of continuous BG readings recorded during 2-week segments 4-6 weeks before and after initiation of OpenAPS.

ADA2018_Slide 26For this study, n=20 based on the availability of data that met the stringent protocol requirements (and the limited number of people who had both recorded that data and donated it to the #OpenAPS Data Commons in early 2017).  Demographics show that, like the 2016 study, the people choosing to #OpenAPS typically have lower A1C than the average T1D population; have had diabetes for over a decade; and are long-time pump and CGM users. Like the 2016 study, this 2018 study found mean BG and TIR improved across all time categories (overall, day, and nighttime).

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Overall, mean BG (mg/dl) improved (135.7 to 128.3); mean estimated HbA1c improved (6.4 to 6.1%). TIR (70-180) increased from 75.8 to 82.2%. Overall, time spent high and low were all reduced, in addition to eAG and A1c reduction. Overnight (11pm-7am) had smaller improvement in all categories compared to daytime improvements in these categories.

Notably: although this study primarily focused on a 4-6 week time frame pre-looping vs. 4-6 weeks post-looping, the improvements in all categories are sustained over time by #OpenAPS users.

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ADA2018_Slide 35Conclusion: Even with tight initial control, persons with T1D saw meaningful improvements in estimated A1c, TIR, and a reduction in time spent high and low, during the day and at night, after initiating #OpenAPS. Although this study focused on BG data from CGM, do not overlook additional QOL benefits when analyzing benefits of hybrid closed loop therapy or designing future studies! See these examples shared from Sulka Haro and Jason Wittmer as example of quality of life impacts of #OpenAPS.

A huge thank you to the community: those who have donated and shared data; those who have helped develop, test, troubleshoot, and otherwise help power the #OpenAPS and other DIY diabetes communities.

And, special thank you to my co-authors, Scott Swain & Tom Donner, for the collaboration on this study. Lewis_Donner_Swain_ADA2018

Getting ready for #2018ADA (@DanaMLewis) & preparing to encourage photography

We’re a few weeks away from the 78th American Diabetes Scientific Sessions (aka, #2018ADA), and I’m getting excited. Partially because of the research I have the honor of presenting; but also because ADA has made strides to (finally) update their photography policy and allow individual presenters to authorize photography & sharing of their content. Yay!

As a result of preparing to encourage people to take pictures & share any and all content from my presentations, I started putting together my slides for each presentation, including the slide about allowing photography, which I’ll also verbally say at the start of the presentation. Interestingly to me, though, ADA only provided an icon for discouraging photography, saying that if staff notice that icon on any photos, that’s who will be asked to take down photos. I don’t want any confusion (in past years, despite explicit permission, people have been asked to take down photos of my work), so I wanted to include obvious ‘photography is approved’ icons.

And this is what I landed on for a photography encouraged slide, and the footer of all my other slides:

Encouraging photography in my slides Example encouraging use of photography in content slidesEncouraging photography in the footer of my slides

And, if anyone else plans to encourage (allow) photography and would like to use this slide design, you can find my example slide deck here that you are welcome to use:

I used camera and check mark icons which are licensed to be freely used; and I also licensed this slide deck and all content to be freely used by all! I hope it’s helpful.

Where you’ll find me at #2018ADA

And if you’re wondering where and what I’ll be presenting on with these slides…I’ll be sharing new content in a few different times and places!

On Saturday, I’m thrilled there is a full, 2-hour session on DIY-related content, and to get to share the stage with Jason Wittmer, Lorenzo Sandini, and Joyce Lee. That’s 1:45-3:45pm (Eastern), “The Diabetes Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Revolution”, in W415C (Valencia Ballroom). I’ll be discussing some of the data & research in DIY diabetes! A huge thanks to Joshua Miller for championing and moderating this session.

I’m also thrilled that a poster has been accepted on one of the projects from my RWJF grant work, in partnership with Tim Street (as well as Scott Leibrand, and Sayali Phatak who is heading our data science work for Opening Pathways). The embargo lifts on Saturday morning (content will be shared online then), and the poster will be displayed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Scott and I will also be present with the poster on Monday during the poster session from 12-1pm.

And last but not least, there is also an oral presentation on Monday evening with a new study on outcomes data from using OpenAPS. I’ll be presenting during the 4:30-6:30pm session (again in W415C (Valencia Ballroom)), likely during the 6-6:15pm slot. I’m thrilled that Scott Swain & Tom Donner, who partnered on this study & work, will also be there to help answer questions about this study!

As we have done in the past (see last year’s poster, for example), we plan to share all of this content online once the embargo lifts, in addition to the in-person presentations and poster discussions.

A huge thanks, as always, goes to the many dozens of people who have contributed to this DIY community in so many ways: development, testing, support, feedback, documentation, data donation, and more! <3

Next generation #OpenAPS hardware work in progress – Pi HATs

tl;dr – No, they’re not here yet, but this is coming soon! Yay for new & more hardware options! See here to pre-order an Explorer HAT, eta of April 2018

Over the years, people have had a lot of awesome ideas on how

to improve the hardware that can be used with DIY closed looping. One such example, Oskar’s work with mmeowlink, led us to later work on smaller computer boards with built-in radio stick, aka the Edison/Explorer Board rig. We started working on that last fall; they were produced and available around November, and the community has been using those widely ever since.

However, like all things, the Edison/Explorer is not without it’s downsides. One of which is – there’s no screen. You historically have needed to plug in cables, or remote login to the rig, or have connectivity via your phone, to see what it’s doing. Sometimes this is more annoying than others.

Patrick Kelly, who has a daughter with T1D and began experimenting with OpenAPS, was one of the folks who wanted a screen on the rig. He suggested the idea, which Scott and I thought was awesome – but we don’t have the expertise to build that kind of hardware. Luckily, Patrick and his dad Jack Kelly, *do* have that expertise! They began exploring some of the options around creating a rig with a screen.

(This is one of my favorite parts of the OpenAPS community, where people bring in various types of expertise and we’re all able to collaborate to make everything from hardware and software and usability improvements!)

And at the same time…the rumors became reality, and we learned that Intel has decided to discontinue the Edison module. SAD PANDA. (Intel, if you’re reading this, please bring it back! We love the Edison!) That expedited the need to find the next generation hardware. Luckily, Patrick and Jack had been progressing on the screen, focusing on incorporating it into a “HAT” (board) for the Raspberry Pi. So after discussion with others in the community about pros/cons and availability about various other computing options other than the Pi, given the widespread availability of different types of Pi’s, we’ve decided to move forward with the Pi and a HAT (board) being the most usable option for the next round of hardware that we’ll be recommending to the community.

What exactly does a Pi HAT look like?

I’m so glad you asked 😉 Here is the Pi HAT with screen on a “Pi Zero W” (which I sometimes type as “Pi0” or “Pi 0”) and a “Pi 3” (pi three), compared to the Edison/Explorer Board. My trusty Chapstick is my unit of measurement, but given some of my international friends claim to not understand that yardstick, I threw in some Euro coins on the right as another measurement stick .;)

The Pi 0 is flipped on it’s back like a turtle – but the same Pi HAT can be used for the Pi 0 and the Pi 3. The HAT is bigger than the Pi so the radio stick doesn’t get blocked.

It’s the same radio as the Edison-based Explorer block, so same expected range.

What’s the point of the screen?

With a screen, you can easily see the logs of what the loop is doing: Pi_HAT_screen_OpenAPS_example_DanaMLewis

YOU CAN EASILY ADD AN OPEN WIFI NETWORK ON THE GO! (Yea, that all caps was intentional! :)). You can also see which wifi network it is on, check for IP address, etc.

Pi HAT adding wifi exampleWe’re still working on adding to the menus and playing around with what’s possible and what’s worthwhile for displaying on the menus by default.

You can do all kinds of fun stuff – which Scott found out after asking me one day, “what else should we add to the menu?” and I promptly said “a unicorn”. Scott said, “these don’t have emoji’s, though”.

Five minutes later, we have a DIY diabetes/OpenAPS unicorn built in ASCII, because why not? 😉


Ahem. Back to technical topics.

How is this board/HAT going to be made and when is it going to be available?

Like the Edison-based Explorer, the Pi’s Explorer HAT is an open source hardware design, and ERD (who sold the Explorer for the Edison) will also be doing the Pi HAT.

Timeline is not 100% nailed down yet, but it will probably be another month or so. (Which is about a year after the Edison Explorer was first ready…crazy how time flies in the open source community!) We’ll of course, as always, shout from the rooftops when it’s ready for ordering & experimenting with. We’ll also be updating the OpenAPS docs to reflect the new gear recommended to buy, the steps for getting it up and running, troubleshooting, etc.

What about Edison/Explorer boards? Will that rig type still be supported by OpenAPS? Should I get any more of those?

Yep. Edison/EB will still be supported & widely used. There are some still left.

  • But – if you already have an Edison/EB rig – I would make your next rig purchase a HAT for one of the Pi’s.
  • If you’re new to the OpenAPS community and supply still exists, I’d still consider grabbing the parts for an Edison/Explorer rig – they’re still great, and we’ll continue to use the ones we have for a long time, and will still be supported in documentation. But you’ll likely want a HAT for a Pi rig of some sort, too, to take advantage of the screen & all the features that go with that for ease of use.

What about battery life for the Pi0/Pi3? How fast does it run? AND YOU HAVEN’T ANSWERED ALL OF MY OTHER QUESTIONS?!?!

One of the downsides of our (Scott/my) approach of getting everything to the community as fast as possible – both hardware and software – means that sometimes (every time) we share things that are works in progress. (And we are testing a whole lot of stuff on software, too.) The new hardware is no different. We don’t have all the answers yet, and we’ll hope you’ll help us figure things out as we go! Here’s some of the pending questions we have:

  • Cost. (Pi’s are cheaper than Edison’s. Explorer HATs with screens are slightly more expensive. However, we’re expecting in sum that the HAT+screen rigs with Pi of choice will likely be cheaper than an Edison/Explorer.)
  • Battery life. We know the Pi0 itself is not as efficient as the Edison, so it’ll likely require a bigger battery for the same run time. (No idea exactly how much bigger because I’m not using these rigs in the real world 100% of time yet, because…)
  • Some Pi optimizations still need to be done. (The current code works just fine on a Pi3, but the Pi0 needs some optimization work done. The Pi 0, as you can see from the picture, is smaller, and will likely be the ‘mobile’ rig for many folks, while the Pi 3 might be a backpack/home rig.)
  • Other options for “HATs” that don’t have a screen. (Eric has also been prototyping another Pi HAT, that doesn’t have a screen, and it’ll be great to test and see how that works as a potential option, too. Hop into the openaps/hardware-dev channel to chat with him if you have questions about his approach. )

As we work on the optimizations (great place to dive in if you’re looking for a place to help out!) and updating the scripts and the docs to reflect the Pi suite of options, I’ll begin carrying this kind of rig and doing my usual break-everything-in-the-real-world-and-fix-all-the-things testing approach.

I’m excited. It’s so great to have this kind of collaboration with expertise in so many areas, with everyone centered on the goal of making life with diabetes easier and safer! Shout out to the Kelly family & their colleagues for all the work on the screen & HATs; to Scott for a lot of development work on both hardware and software side; to Morgan & ERD for continuing to be a part of making great open hardware more widely available; and many other people who are working on bits and pieces to make everything possible!

January 2018 update: rigs are still evolving! You can pre-order an Explorer HAT, eta of shipping is April 2018.

Showing the size of the Explorer "HAT" board next to chapstick for size comparison

See the openaps-menu software code here; and the Explorer HAT hardware repo is here.

Why a non-academic (patient) publishes in academic journals

Today I was able to share that my Letter to the Editor was published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. It’s on why we need to set expectations to help patients successfully adopt hybrid closed loop/artificial pancreas/automated insulin delivery system technology. (You can read it via image copies in the first link.)

JDST_screenshot_LTE_expectationsI’ve published a few times in academic journals. Last year, Scott and I published another Letter to the Editor in JDST with the OpenAPS outcomes study we had presented at the 2016 ADA Scientific Sessions conference.

But, I’m sure people are wondering why I choose to do so – especially as I am 1) a patient and 2) a non-academic. (Although in case you missed it – I’m now the Principal Investigator on a grant-funded study!)

While there are many healthcare providers, researchers, industry employees, FDA staff, etc. who read blogs like this and are up to speed on the bleeding edge of diabetes technology… there are easily 10x the number that do not.

And if they don’t know about the existence of this world, they won’t know about the valuable lessons we’re learning and won’t be able to share those lessons and knowledge with other healthcare providers and the patients that they treat.

So, in my pursuit to find more ways to share knowledge from our community with the rest of the diabetes community, this is why we submit abstracts for posters and presentations to conferences like ADA’s Scientific Sessions. Our abstracts are evaluated just like the abstracts from traditional healthcare providers (as far as they can tell, I’m just another academic, albeit one with fewer credentials ;)), and I’m proud that they’re evaluated and deemed worthy of poster presentations alongside mainstream researchers. Ditto for our written publications, whether they be letters to the editor or other types of articles submitted to journals and publications.

We need to find more ways to share and distribute knowledge with the “traditional” medical and academic research world. And I’d love to do more – so please share ideas if you have them. And if you’re someone who bridges the gap to the traditional world, I appreciate your help sharing these types of articles and conversations with your colleagues.

Choose One: What would you give up if you could? (With #OpenAPS, maybe you can – oref1 includes unannounced meals or “UAM”)

What do you have to do today (related to daily insulin dosing for diabetes) that you’d like to give up if you could? Counting carbs? Bolusing? Or what about outcomes – what if you could give up going low after a meal? Or reduce the amount that you spike?

How many of these 5 things do you think are possible to achieve together?

  • No need to bolus
  • No need to count carbs
  • Medium/high carb meals
  • 80%+ time in range
  • no hypoglycemia

How many can you manage with your current therapy and tools of choice?  How many do you think will be possible with hybrid closed loop systems?  Please think about (and maybe even write down) your answers before reading further to get our perspective.

With just pump and CGM, it’s possible to get good time in range with proper boluses, counting carbs, and eating relatively low-carb (or getting lucky/spending a lot of time learning how to time your insulin with regular meals).  Even with all that, some people still go low/have hypoglycemia.  So, let’s call that a 2 (out of 5) that can be achieved simultaneously.

With a first-generation hybrid closed loop system like the original OpenAPS oref0 algorithm, it’s possible to get good time in range overnight, but achieve that for meal times would still require bolusing properly and counting carbs.  But with the perfect night-time BGs, it’s possible to achieve no-hypoglycemia and 80% time in range with medium carb meals (and high-carb meals with Eating Soon mode etc.).  So, let’s call that a 3 (out of 5).

With some of the advanced features we added to OpenAPS with oref0 (like advanced meal assist or “AMA” as we call it), it became a lot easier to achieve a 3 with less bolusing and less need to precisely count carbs.  It also deals better with high-carb meals, and gives the user even more flexibility.  So, let’s call that a 3.5.

A few months ago, when we began discussing how to further improve daily outcomes, we also began to discuss the idea of how to better deal with unannounced meals. This means when someone eats and boluses, but doesn’t enter carbs. (Or in some cases: eats, doesn’t enter carbs, and doesn’t even bolus). How do we design to better help in that safety, all while sticking to our safety principles and dosing safely?

I came up with this idea of “floating carbs” as a way to design a solution for this behavior. Essentially, we’ve learned that if BG spikes at a certain rate, it’s often related to carbs. We observed that AMA can appropriately respond to such a rise, while not dosing extra insulin if BG is not rising.  Which prompted the question: what if we had a “floating” amount of carbs hanging out there, and it could be decayed and dosed upon with AMA if that rise in BG was detected? That led us to build in support for unannounced meals, or “UAM”. (But you’ll probably see us still talk about “floating carbs” some, too, because that was the original way we were thinking about solving the UAM problem.) This is where the suite of tools that make up oref1 came from.  In addition to UAM, we also introduced supermicroboluses, or SMB for short.  (For more background info about oref1 and SMB, read here.)

So with OpenAPS oref1 with SMB and floating carbs for UAM, we are finally at the point to achieve a solid 4 out of 5.  And not just a single set of 4, but any 4 of the 5 (except we’d prefer you don’t choose hypoglycemia, of course):

  • With a low-carb meal, no-hypoglycemia and 80+% time in range is achievable without bolusing or counting carbs (with just an Eating Soon mode that triggers SMB).
  • With a regular meal, the user can either bolus for it (triggering floating carb UAM with SMB) or enter a rough carb count / meal announcement (triggering Eating Now SMB) and achieve 80% time in range.
  • If the user chooses to eat a regular meal and not bolus or enter a carb count (just an Eating Soon mode), the BG results won’t be as good, but oref1 will still handle it gracefully and bring BG back down without causing any hypoglycemia or extended hyperglycemia.

That is huge progress, of course.  And we think that might be about as good as it’s possible to do with current-generation insulin-only pump therapy.  To do better, we’d either need an APS that can dose glucagon and be configured for tight targets, or much faster insulin.  The dual-hormone systems currently in development are targeting an average BG of 140, or an A1c of 6.5, which likely means >20% of time spent > 160mg/dL.  And to achieve that, they do require meal announcements of the small/medium/large variety, similar to what oref1 needs.  Fiasp is promising on the faster-insulin front, and might allow us to develop a future version of oref1 that could deal with completely unannounced and un-bolused meals, but it’s probably not fast enough to achieve 80% time in range on a high-carb diet without some sort of meal announcement or boluses.

But 4 out of 5 isn’t bad, especially when you get to pick which 4, and can pick differently for every meal.

Does that make OpenAPS a “real” artificial pancreas? Is it a hybrid closed loop artificial insulin delivery system? Do we care what it’s called? For Scott and me; the answer is no: instead of focusing on what it’s called, let’s focus on how different tools and techniques work, and what we can do to continue to improve them.

Introducing oref1 and super-microboluses (SMB) (and what it means compared to oref0, the original #OpenAPS algorithm)

For a while, I’ve been mentioning “next-generation” algorithms in passing when talking about some of the work that Scott and I have been doing as it relates to OpenAPS development. After we created autotune to help people (even non-loopers) tune underlying pump basal rates, ISF, and CSF, we revisited one of our regular threads of conversations about how it might be possible to further reduce the burden of life with diabetes with algorithm improvements related to meal-time insulin dosing.

This is why we first created meal-assist and then “advanced meal-assist” (AMA), because we learned that most people have trouble with estimating carbs and figuring out optimal timing of meal-related insulin dosing. AMA, if enabled and informed about the number of carbs, is a stronger aid for OpenAPS users who want extra help during and following mealtimes.

Since creating AMA, Scott and I had another idea of a way that we could do even more for meal-time outcomes. Given the time constraints and reality of currently available mealtime insulins (that peak in 60-90 minutes; they’re not instantaneous), we started talking about how to leverage the idea of a “super bolus” for closed loopers.

A super bolus is an approach you can take to give more insulin up front at a meal, beyond what the carb count would call for, by “borrowing” from basal insulin that would be delivered over the next few hours. By adding insulin to the bolus and then low temping for a few hours after that, it essentially “front shifts” some of the insulin activity.

Like a lot of things done manually, it’s hard to do safely and achieve optimal outcomes. But, like a lot of things, we’ve learned that by letting computers do more precise math than we humans are wont to do, OpenAPS can actually do really well with this concept.

Introducing oref1

Those of you who are familiar with the original OpenAPS reference design know that ONLY setting temporary basal rates was a big safety constraint. Why? Because it’s less of an issue if a temporary basal rate is issued over and over again; and if the system stops communicating, the temp basal eventually expires and resume normal pump activity. That was a core part of oref0. So to distinguish this new set of algorithm features that depart from that aspect of the oref0 approach, we are introducing it as “oref1”. Most OpenAPS users will only use oref0, like they have been doing. oref1 should only be enabled specifically by any advanced users who want to test or use these features.

The notable difference between the oref0 and oref1 algorithms is that, when enabled, oref1 makes use of small “supermicroboluses” (SMB) of insulin at mealtimes to more quickly (but safely) administer the insulin required to respond to blood sugar rises due to carb absorption.

Introducing SuperMicroBoluses (or “SMB”)

The microboluses administered by oref1 are called “super” because they use a miniature version of the “super bolus” technique described above.  They allow oref1 to safely dose mealtime insulin more rapidly, while at the same time setting a temp basal rate of zero of sufficient duration to ensure that BG levels will return to a safe range with no further action even if carb absorption slows suddenly (for example, due to post-meal activity or GI upset) or stops completely (for example due to an interrupted meal or a carb estimate that turns out to be too high). Where oref0 AMA might decide that 1 U of extra insulin is likely to be required, and will set a 2U/hr higher-than-normal temporary basal rate to deliver that insulin over 30 minutes, oref1 with SMB might deliver that same 1U of insulin as 0.4U, 0.3U, 0.2U, and 0.1U boluses, at 5 minute intervals, along with a 60 minute zero temp (from a normal basal of 1U/hr) in case the extra insulin proves unnecessary.

As with oref0, the oref1 algorithm continuously recalculates the insulin required every 5 minutes based on CGM data and previous dosing, which means that oref1 will continually issue new SMBs every 5 minutes, increasing or reducing their size as needed as long as CGM data indicates that blood glucose levels are rising (or not falling) relative to what would be expected from insulin alone.  If BG levels start falling, there is generally already a long zero temp basal running, which means that excess IOB is quickly reduced as needed, until BG levels stabilize and more insulin is warranted.

Safety constraints and safety design for SMB and oref1

Automatically administering boluses safely is of course the key challenge with such an algorithm, as we must find another way to avoid the issues highlighted in the oref0 design constraints.  In oref1, this is accomplished by using several new safety checks (as outlined here), and verifying all output, before the system can administer a SMB.

At the core of the oref1 SMB safety checks is the concept that OpenAPS must verify, via multiple redundant methods, that it knows about all insulin that has been delivered by the pump, and that the pump is not currently in the process of delivering a bolus, before it can safely do so.  In addition, it must calculate the length of zero temp required to eventually bring BG levels back in range even with no further carb absorption, set that temporary basal rate if needed, and verify that the correct temporary basal rate is running for the proper duration before administering a SMB.

To verify that it knows about all recent insulin dosing and that no bolus is currently being administered, oref1 first checks the pump’s reservoir level, then performs a full query of the pump’s treatment history, calculates the required insulin dose (noting the reservoir level the pump should be at when the dose is administered) and then checks the pump’s bolusing status and reservoir level again immediately before dosing.  These checks guard against dosing based on a stale recommendation that might otherwise be administered more than once, or the possibility that one OpenAPS rig might administer a bolus just as another rig is about to do so.  In addition, all SMBs are limited to 1/3 of the insulin known to be required based on current information, such that even in the race condition where two rigs nearly simultaneously issue boluses, no more than 2/3 of the required insulin is delivered, and future SMBs can be adjusted to ensure that oref1 never delivers more insulin than it can safely withhold via a zero temp basal.

In some situations, a lack of BG or intermittent pump communications can prevent SMBs from being delivered promptly.  In such cases, oref1 attempts to fall back to oref0 + AMA behavior and set an appropriate high temp basal.  However, if it is unable to do so, manual boluses are sometimes required to finish dosing for the recently consumed meal and prevent BG from rising too high.  As a result, oref1’s SMB features are only enabled as long as carb impact is still present: after a few hours (after carbs all decay), all such features are disabled, and oref1-enabled OpenAPS instances return to oref0 behavior while the user is asleep or otherwise not engaging with the system.

In addition to these safety status checks, the oref1 algorithm’s design helps ensure safety.  As already noted, setting a long-duration temporary basal rate of zero while super-microbolusing provides good protection against hypoglycemia, and very strong protection against severe hypoglycemia, by ensuring that insulin delivery is zero when BG levels start to drop, even if the OpenAPS rig loses communication with the pump, and that such a suspension is long enough to eventually bring BG levels back up to the target range, even if no manual corrective action is taken (for example, during sleep).  Because of these design features, oref1 may even represent an improvement over oref0 w/ AMA in terms of avoiding post-meal hypoglycemia.

In real world testing, oref1 has thus far proven at least as safe as oref0 w/ AMA with regard to hypoglycemia, and better able to prevent post-meal hyperglycemia when SMB is ongoing.

What does SMB “look” like?

Here is what SMB activity currently looks like when displayed on Nightscout, and my Pebble watch:

First oref1 SMB OpenAPS test by @DanaMLewisFirst oref1 SMB OpenAPS test as seen on @DanaMLewis pebble watch

How do features like this get developed and tested?

SMB, like any other advanced feature, goes through extensive testing. First, we talk about it. Then, it becomes written up in plain language as an issue for us to track discussion and development. Then we begin to develop the feature, and Scott and I test it on a spare pump and rig. When it gets to the point of being ready to test it in the real world, I test it during a time period when I can focus on observing and monitoring what it is doing. Throughout all of this, we continue to make tweaks and changes to improve what we’re developing. After several days (or for something this different, weeks) of Dana-testing, we then have a few other volunteers begin to test it on spare rigs. They follow the same process of monitoring it on spare rigs and giving feedback and helping us develop it before choosing to run it on a rig and a pump connected to their body. More feedback, discussion, and observation. Eventually, it gets to a point where it is ready to go to the “dev” branch of OpenAPS code, which is where this code is now heading. Several people will review the code and approve it to be added to the “dev” branch. We will then have others test the “dev” branch with this and any other features or code changes – both by people who want to enable this code feature, as well as people who don’t want this feature (to make sure we don’t break existing setups). Eventually, after numerous thumbs up from multiple members of the community who have helped us test different use cases, that code from the “dev” branch will be “approved” and will go to the “master” branch of code where it is available to a more typical user of OpenAPS.

However, not everyone automatically gets this code or will use it. People already running on the master branch won’t get this code or be able to use it until they update their rig. Even then, unless they were to specifically enable this feature (or any other advanced feature), they would not have this particular segment of code drive any of their rig’s behavior.

Where to find out more about oref1, SMB, etc.:

  • We have updated the OpenAPS Reference Design to reflect the differences between oref0 and the oref1 features.
  • OpenAPS documentation about oref1, which as of July 13, 2017 is now part of the master branch of oref0 code.
  • Ask questions! Like all things developed in the OpenAPS community, SMB and oref1-related features will evolve over time. We encourage you to hop into Gitter and ask questions about these features & whether they’re right for you (if you’re DIY closed looping).

Special note of thanks to several people who have contributed to ongoing discussions about SMB, plus the very early testers who have been running this on spare rigs and pumps. Plus always, ongoing thanks to everyone who is contributing and has contributed to OpenAPS development!

Improving #OpenAPS connectivity with automatic Bluetooth tethering (and switching)

One of my favorite things about developing and designing new OpenAPS tools is that if it works for me, it probably will work for someone else, too, and is worth sharing. These little tweaks and hacks add up to improving the real-world lived experience (usability) of living with DIY devices quite a bit…and I’m hoping that continuing to remove that friction enables people with diabetes to live their lives & take action more easily elsewhere, less distracted by diabetes.

So this weekend, Saturday was about enabling easier re-running of the setup scripts to add advanced features more easily in the future.

But Sunday became all about Bluetooth.


Recently, several people have made a concerted effort to create and improve the directions to enable people to connect their OpenAPS rigs to their phones, using Bluetooth.

Without Bluetooth capabilities, when someone left the house or a known wifi network, they would either have to plug in a CGM receiver to get BGs (or have xDrip); or “hotspot” their phone to connect the rig to the Internet. It wasn’t a big deal, but it was something else you had to get into the habit of doing every time you left.

With Bluetooth tethering, you can connect your rig to the phone. And we added the feature so that if you dropped off a wifi network (you left home; or your router at home went down), then your rig automatically established Bluetooth connection and your phone would provide Internet connectivity to your rig. Great!

Making it easier for PWDs with loved ones (spouses/partners/parents/etc.) supporting them

However, today I noticed that because I have both Scott and my phones enabled and configured, sometimes the rigs would grab my phone’s hotspot, and sometimes his (depending on the timing). As the PWD, I would prefer my phone to be the primary phone for Bluetooth, and to only grab Scott’s if mine is out of range/unavailable. And I realized that this will probably be true for most people: kids may sometimes carry a phone, but not always, so it’ll make sense to check for a PWD’s phone first before cycling to try their support network’s phones next. off we went to build that in. Scott also added code that makes it so that if your rig spots an open wifi, but it has a captive portal (meaning it requires passwords or accepting T&C, which the computer can’t automatically do, so it really doesn’t enable Internet access) and wifi ultimately doesn’t work, it will turn off wifi so the Bluetooth can provide connectivity..until the Bluetooth goes away. So it makes it easier for the rig to automatically stay online while you’re going to and from various places that do and don’t have open wifi networks for connectivity.

More connectivity is awesome

I was telling someone the other day why having easier connectivity and remote troubleshooting options is awesome – even as an adult. When a PWD is busy (at school, or on a stage presenting, or at a meeting, or whatever), a loved one can remote in and see what’s going on in the rig and resolve any issues, allowing the PWD to live their life.

That’s something to ask the commercial manufacturers of AP systems as they are in the pipeline to roll out to the broader community of people living with diabetes. For any commercial system you’re considering, ask the manufacturer:

  • How will your system enable me to live my life successfully?
  • How can see I easily see my data in the ways that I want to see it, on the devices that I want to see it on?
  • How will my loved ones be able to see my data?
  • How will my loved ones in a different location be able to help troubleshoot when things are going on?

These are the details that make the difference. This is why #WeAreNotWaiting.