Making it easier to run OpenAPS commands again..and again..and again

Today I built (another) new (really tiny) tool to make it easier for people using OpenAPS rigs to continually update and improve their tools. Woohoo!

When we switched last year to using the “setup scripts” for OpenAPS, this became the tool for setting up new, advanced features like Advanced Meal Assist, Autosensitivity, Autotune, and other things. Which means that people were running the setup scripts multiple times.

It wasn’t bad, because we built in an interactive setup guide to walk people through the process to select which features they did or did not want. But, it took a bit of time to do, and upon your 8th (or 80th) run of the setup script, especially for those of us developing the script, it got tiring. So we decided to automate some output, that could be copied and pasted to speed up running the same set of options on the command line the next time.

Many people, however, in their first setup run-through don’t see that, or don’t remember to copy and paste it.

Last night, it occurred to me that I should add a more explicit note to the docs for people to stop and copy and paste it. But then I had an idea – what if we could stash away the content in another file, so you could find it anytime without having to run the setup script interactively?

Lightbulb. So today, I sat down and gave it a stab. It’s simple-ish code being added in (now in dev branch of oref0; docs for it here), but it will save little bits of time that over time add up to a lot of time saved.
showing output from oref0-runagain.shcreating the

This is how almost all of the iterative OpenAPS development occurs: we repeat something enough times, decide it needs to be automated, and find a way to make it happen. And that’s how the tools and code and documentation continues to get to be better and better!

#WeAreNotWaiting, even with the small stuff, that eventually adds up to make a bigger difference :)

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