It’s apparently rare (ish) to get forefoot bursitis. If you look for information or treatment options about bursitis, most “foot bursitis” is about heel bursitis. If not foot, then it’s knee, elbow, or hip bursitis. All sounds unfun. But what’s also unfun is actual forefoot bursitis, which is usually intermetatarsal bursitis.
Flash back to when I broke my fifth toe on my right foot about 7 weeks ago. I cried, hard, after I broke it. Not only because it hurt, but also because I knew how hard it was to return to walking after I broke my ankle 3.5 years ago. And I knew from that experience that returning to walking would come not only with the standard trials and tribulations of injury recovery but also a risk of redeveloping intermetatarsal bursitis in not one but two parts of my foot. It was brutal, and I had to take another 6 weeks off of running last time after I discovered it. So when I broke my toe, I wasn’t looking forward to the recovery process, as I knew there was a greater than zero chance that I’d have to face bursitis again as well.
And sure enough, a week or so after I returned to full weight bearing and was working on extending my walking, I felt the no good terrible horrible pain in my forefoot that is intermetatarsal bursitis. Same spot as last time. And worse, because it actually was in the second spot, too, between my first and second toes as well as the third and fourth. Last time I primarily felt it in the third/fourth area of my foot while an MRI identified that I also had it between one/two. This time, I felt it in both places, and there was no winning and no reduction in pain no matter how I set my foot on the ground. Ahhh!
But I learned my lesson from last time, I think. I very quickly started trying to reduce the pain by changing the shoes I was wearing (didn’t help) and the way I was walking (didn’t help). I had been nearly to the stage of my recovery process where I could try to start running again, but I knew if I couldn’t even walk barefoot across a hard floor in the house that it likely wasn’t going to be bearable to run on my foot. And it wasn’t.
I gnashed my teeth and did a bunch of research, looking for solutions. I found heaps of information on every other type of bursitis, but very little on intermetatarsal bursitis. Harumph. (Thus, I’m leaving this post as breadcrumbs for anyone else in the future, and maybe for me, too, so I remember what works for next time if I ever have to deal with it yet again.)
Last time, I tried a metatarsal pad in a little sleeve for my foot, which didn’t help. Nothing helped except for trying to stay off my foot as much as possible. I tried a different insole for my shoe with a steel tip, to help reduce the force in the forefoot area as my foot hit the ground. That helped minimize the pain somewhat to make short daily walks tolerable. Otherwise, I waited 6+ weeks for the pain to go away.
This time, I was really hoping to not have another 6 weeks before I could run, since I was and am again training for an ultramarathon. Breaking my toe put a 6+ week snafu on my plans for the fall; I was hoping not to have to give up on my fall ultra plans completely.
Most of the research on bursitis in general suggests trying to reduce inflammation, because that’s what bursitis is: inflammation of bursa. Oral NSAIDs like ibuprofen may or may not help. In my case this time, I was already taking oral NSAIDs for other reasons and it didn’t seem to do anything in regards to bursitis pain. But this reminded me to try NSAID gel (such as this, a generic option, or there are brand name kinds that do the same thing) on my forefoot. It does seem to help a little bit with pain in the hours following using it. The challenge is putting it on and sitting to let it dry so it can get into the skin and start working.
But since I was so desperate, I dug through my cabinet of ankle braces and other foot-related gear and found the metatarsal sleeve pad that I didn’t use last time because it didn’t work. But lo and behold, this time it DID work! I tentatively walked around the house barefoot, amazed that it completely eliminated the bursitis pain in both spots of my foot, and enabled me to walk over my foot without having to compensate by putting too much pressure onto my recently broken (but now mostly healed) toe.
The metatarsal pad sleeve (similar to this one) is a small pad inside a sleeve that sits and takes weight and distributes it to different areas of your foot, rather than the same bursitis areas of your foot getting the full force of your step. I am not sure why it didn’t work well for me last time, but this time it’s the closest thing to magic that I’ve ever experienced. Usually, when something hurts, a solution might reduce pain, but there have been few things that completely eliminate pain during use like this does. (Note that I still have bursitis and will likely still have it for weeks, so I still have to wear flip-flops or the foot sleeve around the house to make sure my foot doesn’t hurt.)
Because it’s a fabric sleeve, it does take up space in my shoe, and I’ve found that even with a larger size shoe it’s uncomfortable to wear a sock when I’m wearing the sleeve on that foot. It feels weird, but the metatarsal sleeve and otherwise being barefoot inside my normal-size shoe works well. So well that I can get back to my running, even with bursitis, which is awesome.
The other trick that I learned last time is to leave a squishy or memory foam flip-flop by my shower. (Here’s an example. Although they’re harder to find, I’ve also found a random store brand memory foam flip-flop option that works well.) Some days standing in the shower hurts due to the pressure on the bottom of my foot, other days it doesn’t. Setting my right foot, the one with the intermetatarsal bursitis, on top of the flip-flop (or wearing it) helps distribute the weight in a way that doesn’t hurt the bursitis as much on the hard shower floor. (If you try this, I’d be sure to be careful getting in and out of the shower with it – I usually set it in the shower and step on it once I’m already in, and that way I step out of the shower without a wet flip-flop to worry about slipping with.)
- Intermetatarsal bursitis or forefoot bursitis is a thing.
- It hurts, a lot. If you have it, I’m sorry.
- It takes weeks for it to fix itself usually. Argh
- Normal anti-inflammation things might help: ice, oral NSAID, NSAID gel, heat, etc.
- Try to rest/not do things that make it hurt (if at all possible).
- If you have intermetatarsal bursitis, look at getting a metatarsal pad to put in your shoe, or get a metatarsal pad sleeve that you can wear with any shoes, including when barefoot or in sandals.
- Set a squishy or memory foam flip-flop by the shower to stand on if your foot hurts standing in the shower, or wear flip-flops in the shower.
Cannot thank you enough for taking the time to share your story. I’ve been dealing with forefoot bursitis for several weeks now while also trying to train for a marathon in November. The podiatrist wanted me in a boot with no exceptions & no plans to run for a minimum 4 weeks. The orthopedist told me I could lose the boot if I wore proper shoes w/ orthotics as well as enlisted rest, ice, elevation & NSAIDs. He also gave me a round of prednisone which worked like a dream for about a week. At any rate, I’m still hoping to pull off the race in 6 weeks, but it isn’t getting any easier & I’m now worried about long-term repercussions. It is very hard to find forefoot specific info.
PS – My OOFOS flip-flops have been the only shoes outside of my running shoes that provide significant relief. And I actually leave a pair right outside the shower as well
Ooooh, rough timing! Good luck with your training timeline and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good to know the prednisone worked short-term.
Hi there, I wanted to ask you for an update on your forefoot bursitis. Have you seen any improvements or did you get a steroid injection etc?
Thank you so much for taking the time to make these notes for people like me looking for ways to alleviate the pain. Both my feet are quite bad, and I will take on board some of your tips to assist with the pain I am dealing with.
Hello! I have this same issue from bouldering – started to get awful pain in my big toe, a couple of months later went for an MRI and all throughout my toe joint there’s tons of fluid (saw the scan, looked crazy!). I tried resting, I tried physio, none of it helped. Now though, later this week they’re trying a steroid injection directly into the site to reduce inflammation to enable me to exercise to try strengthening the area without irritating it further. Fingers crossed for me! I’ll report back if it works. Draining is very last case/ worst scenario as it’s a high risk of infection.
Any relief from the steroid injection? I’ve tried about everything as well. 7 months no relief.
I’m considering getting a steroid injection for mine too… If you did end up getting yours, how are you now?
It’s comforting to find a post like this. I’m a dancer and began getting chronic swelling in my right foot out of nowhere 6 months ago. Decided to take time off dancing and stopped wearing heels. Despite not even walking much, the swelling persisted on a daily basis. Just got diagnosed with intermetatarsal bursitis and I’m at a loss. Doctor gave nearly no solutions. A cortisone shot is my best bet, but that’s apparently a temporary fix that could even put the surrounding tendons at risk for deformity. Recently went up on my toes ballet-style to see how my foot would respond, and it swelled up to the point where it looks deformed. No answers and no way out it seems. I just want to dance again (and wear heels!). I’m heartbroken. But at least it’s a little consoling to come across this and not feel as alone.
Hi did you resolve this? I too like to dance and this has really had me down… I got a steroid injection a week ago but it didn’t really help much.
Honestly I agree there’s so much out there for hip, knee or shoulder bursitis but I can barely find anything on intermetatarsal. Mine is between my big toe and second but the pain radiates. I’m planning on getting steroid injection soon and will hopefully comeback and reply here. If you don’t see my update… reply to remind me pls. Thanks and I hope you all get better soon fr.
Did anyone have any joy with steroid injections? I have had this problem in both feet before and now again a few years later. I have tried everything….I am starting to think it is just time that is needed…
I did get a steroid injection… 1 week ago… some improvement, but not fixed yet. Hopefully it will continue getting better.
Plasma rich platelet injections are suppose to be significantly helpful for bursitis. I have intermetatarsal bursitis in both feet and what helps are achilles tendon stretches, stiff soled shoes and plenty of rest. Getting the injections soon!
Thank you helping me feel less alone. This is my third bout with inter-metatarsal bursitis in four years. I haven’t found steroid shots to be very helpful. Custom orthotics in my Ecco Booties are about the only thing that help me walk without (extreme) pain. And waiting it out. Sigh. Last bout took about 12 weeks to resolve. Hoping for a bit quicker this time + seeing a doctor in Vail in a few weeks (one of the top foot + ankle docs in state). Not that I expect to hear anything new in terms of treatment. But who knows.
What are people doing to actually cure their IMB?
I have IMB+Neuromas between 2/3 and 3/4 in both feet, which is getting close to 12 months now.
Walking is painful at any time, but more so later in the day (every day). Morning after sleep is the best time, but even resting I feel pain.
I’m using LLLT every night, painaway topical cream, large shoes (after purchasing at least 3 pairs) and fantastic soft cushioned no seam socks. I’m taking celery seed capsules and collagen.
My work is mostly in a chair now, but a do a bit of walking around our property tending to horses and such.
I’m getting desperate but will not consider surgery or injections (other than acupuncture).
For me – a lot of what you did, in terms of different shoes; rest (not exacerbating it as much as possible). You might also play around with a metatarsal pad in your shoe or a sleeve version. I liked the sleeve option better (easier to get in the ideal place vs having to place it onto the insole and keep it there). I started wearing the sleeve on my foot around the house, too, not just in shoes because it cut the pain quite a bit compared to walking barefoot inside.
One thing that also slightly helped was topical NSAID gel (diclofenac sodium or similar; you may recognize the brand name Voltaren but the generics are cheaper and work the same). Mine did eventually subside and go away, but it took a lot longer than I would have preferred.