PERT Pilot

PERT Pilot was built by a person with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) for other people with EPI (PEI)!

With PERT Pilot, you can:

  • Learn about EPI and its management with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT)
  • Log meals and track macronutrients and PERT dosing and any symptoms
  • Use an AI estimation feature to estimate the fat, protein, and carbohydrates (macronutrients) in an unknown meal or snack
  • Review your PERT dosage and track its effectiveness
  • Enable you to share your EPI-related data with your doctor.

PERT Pilot users own their data – read more in the PERT Pilot privacy policy.

Access PERT Pilot for iOS devices – view it on the App Store here.

The PERT Pilot logo - PERT is in all caps and bold purple font, the word "Pilot" is in a script font in black placed below PERT.

Questions? Email Found a bug? Check out this known list of issues and email me if you find anything else that needs fixing!

PS: are you an Android user and interested in testing the in-development version of PERT Pilot for Android? Email to join the Android testing list.