Known Issues or Bugs

Here’s a list of known issues that exist in versions of PERT Pilot that I am actively working to fix:

  • None at present! Please contact me if you find a bug or unexpected issue.
  • Resolved in v0.1.4 – people who edit meals had noticed that opening an existing meal caused the pill picker to add 1 to the pill count (and the workaround was to drop it back, eg saved as 2; opened as 3;  put it back to 2 as you save the meal). This is now fixed in 0.1.4!

Found something that’s not working? Please email me so I can try to fix it! Email, and it’s helpful to include which app version (bottom of your home screen, e.g v0.1.4) and what iOS (e.g. 16.4) and phone type you are using so I can recreate the bug to fix it.