Known Issues or Bugs

Here’s a list of known issues that exist in early versions of PERT Pilot that I am actively working to fix:

  • v0.0.4 and beyond for iOS 15 users only: there is a small bug where after using the AI estimation, it drops you back in to the manual meal entry screen. However, the meal has been saved successfully. Close the app and reopen it and you can view/edit the meal normally from there.
    • This bug does not affect iOS16 or iOS17 users.
  • v0.0.9new microphone entry option! However, there is a small bug where if you use the microphone to enter a meal into the calculator/AI estimator flow, then later go to open the calculator manually (rather than microphone entering), you may see the previous meal description in the AI entry box. You can simply delete and type your new meal and proceed. If you keep entering from the microphone always, you won’t see this bug, and if you’re only entering from “start calculator”, you also won’t see this bug. However, this occurs when you swap back and forth between microphone and non-microphone entry into the calculator.

Found something that’s not working? Please email me so I can try to fix it! Email, and it’s helpful to include which app version (bottom of your home screen, e.g v0.0.8) and what iOS (e.g. 16.4) and phone type you are using so I can recreate the bug to fix it.